Pump Types & Definitions

What are API Pump Types?

API (American Petroleum Institute) is a set of standards used to define systems, tests, and equipment design, mainly in the Oil & Gas industry. There are other standards, such as ISO, ASME, NEMA, or ANSI. Although these standards may be referred to alongside API, they are not otherwise related, and although some of these standards overlap, each one is generally focused on a different sector. API standards include design criteria for a wide range of equipment and components. Power Zone is involved daily with the API standards relating to pumps and pump components, as well as API guidelines for pump testing and API design criteria for pump baseplate design. Even though there is no overall rule or law that API standards must be adhered to (many pumps and equipment are built to no standard at all) the API standard is often referred to in pumping systems when the highest quality is needed.

API Pump Standards

API Pump Standards – Understanding API Standards

API Seal Flush Plans

API 682 Seal Flush Plans – Understanding API Standards

Volute Pump Types

Volute Pump – Understanding API Standards